J Thorac Oncol:利用化疗和药物治疗延长对肺癌恶化的控制
2013-05-06 ZinFingerNase 生物谷
2012年12月02日--癌症的主要技能就是它能够发生突变。一旦它沿着这种途径开始开展下去,癌细胞就很容易一次又一次发生突变。这意味着在单个病人体内不同的肿瘤或者甚至相同肿瘤的不同区域可能产生不同的遗传特征。这种异质性有助于癌症逃避来自新的癌症靶向治疗药物的控制。 在这当中,两种靶向药物是克里唑蒂尼(crizotinib)和埃罗替尼(erlotinib)。研究人员想知道这些药物能够被用来治疗哪些
论文第一作者Andrew Weickhardt博士说,“在将近一半的病人当中,当这些药物不再发挥作用时,它们只在有限数量的癌症位点上不再发挥作用。不管这些恶病人如何很好地耐受药物治疗,但是对我们而言,利用放疗或者手术摘除来治疗这些有限的位点同时在其他能够发挥作用的区域继续使用相同的药物是说得通的。”
论文通信作者Ross Camidge博士说,“我们期待利用化疗攻击大脑中的一小部分癌症,然后继续使用靶向疗法来进行标准的治疗。”
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Introduction: Many patients with oncogene-driven non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors experience limited sites of disease progression. This study investigated retrospectively the benefits of local ablative therapy (LAT) to central nervous system (CNS) and/or limited systemic disease progression and continuation of crizotinib or erlotinib in patients with metastatic ALK gene rearrangement (ALK+) or EGFR-mutant (EGFR-MT) NSCLC, respectively.
Methods: Patients with metastatic ALK+ NSCLC treated with crizotinib (n = 38) and EGFR-MT NSCLC treated with erlotinib (n = 27) were identified at a single institution. Initial response to the respective kinase inhibitors, median progression-free survival (PFS1), and site of first progression were recorded. A subset of patients with either nonleptomeningeal CNS and/or four sites or fewer of extra-CNS progression (oligoprogressive disease) suitable for LAT received either radiation or surgery to these sites and continued on the same tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The subsequent median progression-free survival from the time of first progression (PFS2) and pattern of progression were recorded.
Results: Median progression-free survival in ALK+ patients on crizotinib was 9.0 months, and 13.8 months for EGFR-MT patients on erlotinib. Twenty-five of 51 patients (49%) who progressed were deemed suitable for local therapy (15 ALK+, 10 EGFR-MT; 24 with radiotherapy, one with surgery) and continuation of the same targeted therapy. Post-LAT, 19 of 25 patients progressed again, with median PFS2 of 6.2 months.
Discussion: Oncogene-addicted NSCLC with CNS and/or limited systemic disease progression (oligoprogressive disease) on relevant targeted therapies is often suitable for LAT and continuation of the targeted agent, and is associated with more than 6 months of additional disease control.