2013-03-14 中国新闻网 中国新闻网
多项研究业已证实,常喝红葡萄酒有益健康。据英国《每日邮报》2月21日报道,《耳鼻喉科学:头与颈外科学》Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery杂志刊登美国一项新研究发现,红葡萄酒还具有防止听力丧失的功效。据认为,红葡萄酒中的有效化学物质白藜芦醇(resveratrol)发挥着关键作用。该物质也具有防癌和防止心脏病的作用。 新研究中,美国底特律
多项研究业已证实,常喝红葡萄酒有益健康。据英国《每日邮报》2月21日报道,《耳鼻喉科学:头与颈外科学》Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery杂志刊登美国一项新研究发现,红葡萄酒还具有防止听力丧失的功效。据认为,红葡萄酒中的有效化学物质白藜芦醇(resveratrol)发挥着关键作用。该物质也具有防癌和防止心脏病的作用。 新研究中,美国底特律市亨利 福特医院研究人员给健康实验鼠注射白藜芦醇,之后将其置于巨大噪音环境中,再对其听力受损情况进行测试。结果显示,注射了白藜芦醇的实验鼠更少发生噪音诱发型耳聋。 新研究负责人迈克尔 塞得曼博士表示,新研究的焦点是白藜芦醇及其在身体对损伤反应的影响。身体损伤被认为是包括老年痴呆症、癌症、衰老及听力丧失等多种健康问题的病因。白藜芦醇是一种强效化学物质,可以防止人体炎症,缓解衰老和认知(大脑功能)及听力丧失进程。 据调查,听力丧失问题困扰着一半60岁以上人群,很多人听力丧失问题从四五十岁的时候就开始了。听力丧失通常是因为内耳毛绒细胞凋亡所致,大多为人体衰老的结果。 新研究发现,白藜芦醇可以防止震耳欲聋的噪音对听力造成的损伤。注射白藜芦醇可以降低实验鼠听力受损程度及认知下降水平。
Resveratrol Decreases Noise-Induced Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in the Rat Cochlea
Michael D. Seidman, MD1 Wenxue Tang, MD2 Venkatesh Uma Bai, PhD1 Nadir Ahmad, MD3 Hao Jiang, PhD4 Joseph Media5 Nimisha Patel1 Cory J. Rubin, MD6 Robert T. Standring, MD1
Objective Our previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of resveratrol, a grape constituent noted for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, in reducing temporary threshold shifts and decreasing cochlear hair cell damage following noise exposure. This study was designed to identify the potential protective mechanism of resveratrol by measuring its effect on cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein expression and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation following noise exposure. Study Design Controlled animal intervention study. Setting Otology Laboratory, Henry Ford Health System. Subjects and Methods Twenty-two healthy male Fischer 344 rats (2-3 months old) were exposed to acoustic trauma of variable duration with or without intervention. An additional 20 healthy male rats were used to study COX-2 expression at different time points during and following treatment of 24 hours of noise exposure. Cochlear harvest was performed at various time intervals for measurement of COX-2 protein expression via Western blot analysis and immunostaining. Peripheral blood was also obtained for ROS analysis using flow cytometry. Results Acoustic trauma exposure resulted in a progressive up-regulation of COX-2 protein expression, commencing at 8 hours and peaking at 32 hours. Similarly, ROS production increased after noise exposure. However, treatment with resveratrol reduced noise-induced COX-2 expression as well as ROS formation in the blood as compared with the controls. Conclusion COX-2 levels are induced dramatically following noise exposure. This increased expression may be a potential mechanism of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and a possible mechanism of resveratrol’s ability to mitigate NIHL by its ability to reduce COX-2 expression.