PLOS Biol:维生素治疗肌肉萎缩症
2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷
2012年10月24日缅因大学科学家领导的一个研究小组证实发现促进对维生素敏感的细胞粘附活性的方式有可能抵消肌肉退化,减少肌营养不良症引起的肌肉流动性。相关发现公布于10月23日的PLoS Biology杂志上,该研究重要关注先天性肌营养不良症,天性肌营养不良症是一种致命疾病,目前仍没有治愈手段。 研究人员发现,在进行性肌营养不良的斑马鱼中给予共同的细胞化学物质(维生素B3)以激活细胞粘附,可以
2012年10月24日缅因大学科学家领导的一个研究小组证实发现促进对维生素敏感的细胞粘附活性的方式有可能抵消肌肉退化,减少肌营养不良症引起的肌肉流动性。相关发现公布于10月23日的PLoS Biology杂志上,该研究重要关注先天性肌营养不良症,天性肌营养不良症是一种致命疾病,目前仍没有治愈手段。
这项研究是由缅因大学生物科学副教授Clarissa Henry领导,他的实验室重点研究细胞粘附复合物如何有助于肌肉的发育。研究人员发现在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中,一个共同的细胞化学物质烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD +)在肌肉组织中形成有组织的基底膜过程中起到了重要作用。由于无序的基底膜被认为是许多不同类型肌营养不良症的特点,研究人员想知道是否激活这个化学物质信号途径可能会减少一些肌营养不良症的严重程度。
在这项研究中,研究人员表明,NAD +提高进行性肌营养不良症斑马鱼的组织层粘连蛋白表达。斑马鱼缺乏层粘连蛋白的两个主要结合受体,基底膜会的无序混乱,导致肌肉退化和运动困难。然而增加额外的NAD +,或是含有维生素B3(烟酸,NAD +的合成前提物质)能显著减少这些症状。该研究小组发现NAD +的保护作用主要是提高组织基底膜层粘连蛋白的结构,而这有助于提高病变的肌纤维的应变能力。研究人员表示这些发现可能有一天会会改善肌营养不良症患者的治疗。
- PNAS:修改肌营养相关蛋白治疗肌肉萎缩症
- PLoS ONE:啤酒花中异戊烯基黄酮类有助遏制肌肉萎缩
- JCI:新型小鼠模型为肌肉萎缩症治疗提供思路
- Sci Transl Med.:MG53蛋白可治疗实验性肌肉萎缩 更多信息请点击:有关肌肉萎缩更多资讯
NAD Biosynthesis Ameliorates a Zebrafish Model of Muscular Dystrophy.
Muscular dystrophies are common, currently incurable diseases. A subset of dystrophies result from genetic disruptions in complexes that attach muscle fibers to their surrounding extracellular matrix microenvironment. Cell-matrix adhesions are exquisite sensors of physiological conditions and mediate responses that allow cells to adapt to changing conditions. Thus, one approach towards finding targets for future therapeutic applications is to identify cell adhesion pathways that mediate these dynamic, adaptive responses in vivo. We find that nicotinamide riboside kinase 2b-mediated NAD+ biosynthesis, which functions as a small molecule agonist of muscle fiber-extracellular matrix adhesion, corrects dystrophic phenotypes in zebrafish lacking either a primary component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex or integrin alpha7. Exogenous NAD+ or a vitamin precursor to NAD+ reduces muscle fiber degeneration and results in significantly faster escape responses in dystrophic embryos. Overexpression of paxillin, a cell adhesion protein downstream of NAD+ in this novel cell adhesion pathway, reduces muscle degeneration in zebrafish with intact integrin receptors but does not improve motility. Activation of this pathway significantly increases organization of laminin, a major component of the extracellular matrix basement membrane. Our results indicate that the primary protective effects of NAD+ result from changes to the basement membrane, as a wild-type basement membrane is sufficient to increase resilience of dystrophic muscle fibers to damage. The surprising result that NAD+ supplementation ameliorates dystrophy in dystrophin-glycoprotein complex– or integrin alpha7–deficient zebrafish suggests the existence of an additional laminin receptor complex that anchors muscle fibers to the basement membrane. We find that integrin alpha6 participates in this pathway, but either integrin alpha7 or the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex is required in conjunction with integrin alpha6 to reduce muscle degeneration. Taken together, these results define a novel cell adhesion pathway that may have future therapeutic relevance for a broad spectrum of muscular dystrophies.