Arch Intern Med:久坐增加死亡风险 快走预防慢性病
2012-04-10 国际在线 国际在线
世卫组织建议人们每周至少从事150分钟中等强度体力活动 3月26日出版的著名医学期刊《内科学文献》(Archives of Internal Medicine)发表悉尼大学公共卫生学院研究人员的文章称,一项对22万人进行的研究显示,成年人若每天坐11个小时,无论他们不坐着的时间做多少体力活动,三年内将比平均每天坐4小时的人死亡几率大40%。这项研究称,将个体的运动量、体重和健康状况加以综合考虑,
3月26日出版的著名医学期刊《内科学文献》(Archives of Internal Medicine)发表悉尼大学公共卫生学院研究人员的文章称,一项对22万人进行的研究显示,成年人若每天坐11个小时,无论他们不坐着的时间做多少体力活动,三年内将比平均每天坐4小时的人死亡几率大40%。这项研究称,将个体的运动量、体重和健康状况加以综合考虑,风险仍然存在。
该文作者之一大卫· 邓斯坦(David Dunstan)建议成年人每天快走30分钟以预防慢性病。支持该研究的澳大利亚新南威尔士州心脏基金会执行官托尼·瑟沃尔(Tony Thirlwell)称,静止怠惰的生活方式是导致心血管疾病的主因之一。
主导此项研究的是悉尼大学公共卫生学院的研究员,海德·凡·德·普勒格(Hidde van der Ploeg)博士,他说,“这一研究结果对公众健康将有重要的影响。”(生物谷
Sitting Time and All-Cause Mortality Risk in 222 497 Australian Adults
Hidde P. van der Ploeg, PhD; Tien Chey, MAppStats; Rosemary J. Korda, PhD; Emily Banks, MBBS, PhD; Adrian Bauman, MBBS, PhD
Background Prolonged sitting is considered detrimental to health, but evidence regarding the independent relationship of total sitting time with all-cause mortality is limited. This study aimed to determine the independent relationship of sitting time with all-cause mortality. Methods We linked prospective questionnaire data from 222 497 individuals 45 years or older from the 45 and Up Study to mortality data from the New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Australia) from February 1, 2006, through December 31, 2010. Cox proportional hazards models examined all-cause mortality in relation to sitting time, adjusting for potential confounders that included sex, age, education, urban/rural residence, physical activity, body mass index, smoking status, self-rated health, and disability. Results During 621 695 person-years of follow-up (mean follow-up, 2.8 years), 5405 deaths were registered. All-cause mortality hazard ratios were 1.02 (95% CI, 0.95-1.09), 1.15 (1.06-1.25), and 1.40 (1.27-1.55) for 4 to less than 8, 8 to less than 11, and 11 or more h/d of sitting, respectively, compared with less than 4 h/d, adjusting for physical activity and other confounders. The population-attributable fraction for sitting was 6.9%. The association between sitting and all-cause mortality appeared consistent across the sexes, age groups, body mass index categories, and physical activity levels and across healthy participants compared with participants with preexisting cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus. Conclusions Prolonged sitting is a risk factor for all-cause mortality, independent of physical activity. Public health programs should focus on reducing sitting time in addition to increasing physical activity levels.