2012-10-07 MedSci MedSci原创
纽约州立大学的生物医学专家David Trolio研制出一种新型特制隐形镜片,能防止青少年眼球变形,有效较少导致近视的眼球拉伸。该镜片使用不同的聚焦方法欺骗眼球向纠正近视的预期方向发展。该成果将在10月18日美国光学协会年会上公布 The End Of Glasses? Eye-Shaping Contacts Might Prevent Nearsightedne
纽约州立大学的生物医学专家David Trolio研制出一种新型特制隐形镜片,能防止青少年眼球变形,有效较少导致近视的眼球拉伸。该镜片使用不同的聚焦方法欺骗眼球向纠正近视的预期方向发展。该成果将在10月18日美国光学协会年会上公布
The End Of Glasses? Eye-Shaping Contacts Might Prevent Nearsightedness
Unless you’re a Hipster, eyeglasses are a major pain: kids wearing them get bullied, they’re expensive, they don’t play well with sports, and they can’t make up for perfect 20/20 vision. Finally, there may be a cure for nearsightedness (“Myopia”) on the horizon. Biomedical scientist David Trolio has experimented with a new contact lens that prevents the eye from malforming at a young age in the first place, by refocusing light as it hits the eye. He and his colleagues at State University of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry “successfully reduced the elongation of the eye that causes myopia progression.”
Eyeglasses work by refocusing light onto the retina, the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye responsible for transforming photons of light into signals the brain can turn into images. Unfortunately, the bending of the light isn’t perfect, and the eye ends up elongating and compensating even more to make up for the difference, exacerbating the Myopia. “The experimental lenses use different focal powers within a single lens: either alternating focal powers across the lens, or confined to the outer edge,” reports Phys.org.
Details are scant on the new technology, but Trolio hopes that the contact lens will be available for young patients soon.
http://phys.org/news/2012-10-spe ... enses-day-halt.html
Specialty contact lenses may one day help halt the progression of nearsightedness in children
Nearsightedness, or myopia, affects more than 40 percent of people in the U.S. and up to 90 percent of children in some parts of Asia. The problem begins in childhood and often progresses with age. Standard prescription lenses can correct the defocus but do not cure nearsightedness, and do not slow progression rates as children grow.
But recent experimental work by biomedical scientist David Troilo and colleagues at the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry in New York City supports the development of a potential cure for myopia by using specialty contact lenses that coax the eye to grow in a way that can correct nearsighted vision while reducing myopia progression. Troilo will describe his findings at the Optical Society's (OSA) Annual Meeting, Frontiers in Optics (FiO) 2012, taking place Oct. 14 in Rochester, N.Y.
Myopia develops when the eye is too long, making it difficult to focus light from distant objects on the retina. Glasses or contact lenses that correct the defocus on the main visual axis can create a slight degree of farsightedness in the peripheral retina, Troilo says. The peripheral farsightedness may worsen myopia because as children grow, the eye grows to move the retina to where the light is focused, naturally lengthening the eye even further.
Troilo has shown that specially designed contact lenses that alter how light is focused in the peripheral retina can induce changes in growth that help reshape the eye in the desired way. The experimental lenses use different focal powers within a single lens: either alternating focal powers across the lens, or confined to the outer edge. Experiments with the new lenses found that they changed eye growth and refractive state, or focus, in a predictable way. The lenses successfully reduced the elongation of the eye that causes myopia progression.
Several contact lens designs may soon be available to help eye doctors manage the progression of myopia in children, Troilo says. Presentation FW1C.1 "Optical Approaches for Controlling Myopia Progression: Evidence from Experimental Models" takes place Wednesday, Oct. 17 at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.