

2011-12-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

     慢性便秘的治疗通常使用较多的是轻泻剂,但是轻泻剂不能有效改善便秘的症状,2008年一项研究显示,虽然16%~40%的便秘患者使用轻泻剂,但症状依然存在,与未使用轻泻剂的患者相比没有显著差别。2007年一项基于网络的调查显示,有47%的患者对轻泻剂不完全满意,其中82%由于疗效不佳,16%由于安全性。因此,现有的治疗还不能满足慢性便秘者的治疗需要。 &n



       澳大利亚墨尔本大学的卡姆教授(Micheal Kamm)介绍,功能性便秘最主要的类型是慢传输型便秘,表现为肠道动力障碍所致的胃肠传输延迟。5 羟色胺(5-HT)又称血清素(serotonin),在肠道动力中起关键作用。5-HT4受体激动剂,可通过兴奋肠肌间神经元的5-HT4受体释放乙酰胆碱,刺激胃肠道平滑肌收缩和蠕动,从而推动结肠传输,加速排便。普芦卡必利是首个新型高选择性、高亲和力的5-HT4受体激动剂(表),有较强的肠道促动力作用,可显著促进结肠传输,诱导高幅推进性收缩(HAPCs),在改善肠道动力和传输,增加排便频率及改善排便功能方面有显著作用。普芦卡必利与其他药物的相互作用很少,与抑制CYP450的药物同服也不会影响普卡必利的血浆浓度。

       比利时鲁汶大学Jan Tack教授介绍说,2009年欧盟批准普卢卡必利用于轻泻剂治疗失败慢性便秘妇女的症状治疗。这一适应证的获批基于3项国际多中心临床试验结果, 3项研究共入组1974例18岁以上患者,其中90%左右均为女性,研究均采用了相同的研究设计:患者经2周安慰剂导入期后,随机分为安慰剂组、普卢卡必利2 mg组和4 mg组治疗12周,在第2、4、8、12周各评估一次,研究主要终点为12周治疗后,平均每周自发完全大便(SCBM)≥3次的患者比例,次要终点包括每周完全自发排便增加≥1次的患者比例、排便次数、大便性状和排便用力度、便秘特异性问卷[病人对便秘评估-症状(PAC-SYM)、病人对便秘评估-生活质量(PAC-QOL)]的结果。结果显示,12周治疗后,安慰剂组、普卢卡必利2 mg qd组、普卢卡必利4 mg qd组中,SCBM/周≥3次的患者比例分别为11.3%、23.6%和24.7%,普卢卡必利治疗组的疗效明显优于安慰剂组(P<0.001,图1),并且在12周治疗期间疗效持续(图2)。次要终点方面,12周时,普卢卡必利治疗组每周完全自发排便平均增加≥1次的患者比例也明显高于安慰剂组(24.6%对43.1%、47.0%,P<0.001)。普卢卡必利治疗组12周时PAC-SYM评分和PAC-QOL满意度评分增加≥1的患者比例也明显高于安慰剂组,首次服用药物后至第一次SCBM的时间明显短于安慰剂组。

       北京协和医院柯美云教授介绍了普卢卡必利亚太地区研究数据。这项Ⅲ期随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、平行分组研究共有5个国家/地区(中国、中国台湾、韩国、泰国和澳大利亚)参与。研究设计与上述3项研究相似,共入组18~65岁有慢性便秘病史的患者501例,其中 89.8%为女性。 这些患者在基线时有重度便秘,每周SCBM平均次数为1.1次。大约60%的受试者有超过10年的便秘病史,三分之二的受试者报告使用轻泻剂和灌肠剂不能充分缓解他们的便秘。研究结果显示,普卡必利2 mg(每日一次,持续12周)能够针对快速、持久的改善便秘相关症状。普卡必利2 mg组在整个12周双盲期内平均每周≥3次SCBM的受试者的比例(33.3%)显著高于安慰剂组(10.3%)(P<0.001)。该研究同时发现,与安慰剂相比,普卡必利2 mg组受试者大便硬度改善(根据Bristol粪便硬度评分)、急救轻泻药/灌肠剂的使用减少、便秘相关的肠道症状减少、并且便秘相关生活质量评分结果提高。在安全性方面,本研究的结果表明,在该主要为亚洲人的受试者群体中,普卡必利有良好的安全性和耐受性。主要副作用为轻至中度头痛和消化道症状,并且大多发生于治疗第一天、为一过性。心血管不良事件发生率与安慰剂组相似。


Camilleri M;Kerstens R;Rykx A;Vandeplassche L.NEJMoa0800670"> A placebo-controlled trial of prucalopride for severe chronic constipation.N Engl J Med 2008 May 29 358(22) :2344-54 

背景:在这一为期12周的临床试验中,我们旨在测定普卢卡必利,一种高亲和力的5-羟色胺受体激动剂对严重慢性便秘患者的疗效。在我们多中心,随机,安慰剂对照的,平行组,3期临床试验中,严重慢性便秘患者(每周自发性、完全的排便≤2次)接受安慰剂或每日服用2mg或4mg普卢卡必利治疗12周。主要的有效终点是在12周研究期间,平均每周自发性、完全的排便3次或以上的患者所占比例,次要有效终点源自患者的日记和由患者完成、经确证有效的问卷调查。我们对不良事件,临床实验室指标和心血管效应均进行了监测。结果:在620位患者中分析了普卢卡必利的有效性。接受2mg普卢卡必利治疗的患者中每周自发性、完全的排便3次或以上者所占比例为30.9%,接受4mg普卢卡必利治疗的患者中每周自发性、完全的排便3次或以上者所占比例为为28.4%,安慰剂组仅有12.0%的患者每周自发性、完全的排便在3次或以上。在研究的12周期间,2 mg或4 mg普卢卡必利治疗组分别有47.3%和46.6%患者自发性、完全的排便次数平均每周增加1次或以上,而安慰剂组只有25.8%(较之两组,P amp;lt;0.001)。使用2mg或4mg普卢卡必利治疗的患者较之安慰剂组在,第12周时所有其他次要有效终点,包括患者对他们肠功能,治疗的满意度,他们对于自身便秘严重程度的感觉均得到明显改善。发生频率最高的治疗相关的不良事件是头痛和腹痛。治疗并没有带来显著的心血管效应。结论:使用12 周,普卢卡必利显著改善严重慢性便秘患者的肠功能,减轻症状的严重程度。还需要进行更大规模,持续时间更长的临床试验以进一步评价使用普卢卡必利治疗慢性便秘的风险及受益。( number, NCT00483886 [].).


    Resolor(普卢卡必利)2009 年 10 月在欧洲获批后,2010 年 1 月在 德国上市,2010 年 3 月在英国上市。





    普卢卡必利(prucalopride)为苯丙咪唑类药物,是特异性S-HT4受体完全激动剂,具有较高选择性和特异性5- HT4受体作用,增加胆碱能神经递质的释放,刺激肠蠕动反射,增强结肠收缩和近端结肠传输,能够有效地缓解便秘病人的症状,主要用于治疗各种便秘及手术的胃肠道蠕动无力和假性梗阻。



Resolor® (prucalopride)

New treatment for chronic constipation in women#
In October 2009, our lead product, Resolor (prucalopride), has received  the  marketing approval for the symptomatic treatment of Chronic Constipation (CC) in women in whom laxatives fail to provide adequate relief in the EU27 and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Since August 2010, Switzerland is the 31st country where Resolor is approved in a first indication – i.e. for the treatment of idiopathic chronic constipation in adults for whom the currently available treatment options involving dietary measures and laxatives do not provide sufficient effect, with the statement that “there are currently no sufficient data available to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Resolor in men.”

Resolor (prucalopride) is the first of a new class of selective high affinity serotonin (5-HT4) receptor agonists with enterokinetic activity. In clinical studies, the efficacy of prucalopride was established in three multicentre, randomised, double-blind, 12-week placebo controlled studies in subjects with chronic constipation (n=1,279 on prucalopride, 1,124 females, 155 males).

How prucalopride works
How prucalopride works

Potential market
Chronic Constipation (CC) is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a prevalent and debilitating condition that is not always well understood and, in many cases, is inadequately treated. Approximately 34 million patients in the 27 countries of the EU are affected by CC, and an estimated 14 million patients frequently visit their doctor with complaints of constipation after unsatisfactory results with over-the-counter medication or prescription laxatives. It is estimated that 35-50% of patients remain dissatisfied, the vast majority of whom are women.

The impact on the quality of life from CC has been compared to other long-term chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and depression. It is also associated with a significant burden on healthcare resources. Each year in the European Union and the United States, approximately 2 billion US dollars are spent on over-the-counter laxatives, the mainstay of therapy for constipation.

In 2008, the world laxative market was estimated in excess of $3 billion dollars.¹ Women suffering from CC are a sizable initial indication as it estimated that up to 85% of patients who visit the doctors office in Europe with CC being female.

Development program
Resolor’s EU approval was based on a marketing authorisation application that included a comprehensive clinical-development program of three large and identically designed pivotal Phase III studies in the target indication (i.e. for the symptomatic treatment of chronic constipation (CC) in women in whom laxatives fail to provide adequate relief).

Movetis is already working on expanding the potential use of Resolor (prucalopride) to other important indications and the company already has encouraging Phase II data for Resolor (prucalopride) suggesting the potential treatment of chronic constipation in males and children as well as opioid induced constipation and post-operative ileus. The use of prucalopride in these conditions will be further tested in Phase III studies.

Commercial rights
The approval of Resolor (prucalopride) by the European Commission means that Resolor (prucalopride) is now approved in the 27 countries of the EU as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

It is our intention to market Resolor (prucalopride) in certain European markets by itself including Germany, the UK, France and the Benelux. Movetis will also seek where necessary to broker partnerships to maximise the sales of Resolor in certain other European territories.

In the first quarter of 2010, Movetis made Resolor s available on the market in Germany and the UK. The company continues to prepare the market introduction in various other European countries.

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