PLoS ONE:发现控制酒精成瘾的蛋白14-3-3ζ
2012-05-24 Deepblue 生物谷
杏仁核,附着在海马的末端,呈杏仁状,是边缘系统的一部分,是产生情绪,识别情绪和调节情绪,控制学习和记忆的脑部组织。近日,来自荷兰乌特勒支大学医学中心的研究人员发现,杏仁核里的一种蛋白质14-3-3ζ能够调节酒精的摄入量,因此靶向该蛋白也许能够成为治疗酒精成瘾的新策略。相关研究成果于5月22日在线发表在PLoS ONE上。 酒精在人体内的分解代谢主要靠两种酶:一种是乙醇脱氢酶,另一种是乙醛脱氢酶。
杏仁核,附着在海马的末端,呈杏仁状,是边缘系统的一部分,是产生情绪,识别情绪和调节情绪,控制学习和记忆的脑部组织。近日,来自荷兰乌特勒支大学医学中心的研究人员发现,杏仁核里的一种蛋白质14-3-3ζ能够调节酒精的摄入量,因此靶向该蛋白也许能够成为治疗酒精成瘾的新策略。相关研究成果于5月22日在线发表在PLoS ONE上。
为此,研究人员Heidi M. B. Lesscher表示,该研究表明了14-3-3ζ是调节酒精摄入量的关键调节因子,这也为发展控制酒精成瘾的策略提供了新的希望。(生物谷Deepblue编译)
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037999
Amygdala 14-3-3ζ as a Novel Modulator of Escalating Alcohol Intake in Mice
Heidi M. B. Lesscher*, Julia M. Houthuijzen, Marian J. Groot Koerkamp, Frank C. P. Holstege, Louk J. M. J. Vanderschuren.
Alcoholism is a devastating brain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The development of alcoholism is caused by alcohol-induced maladaptive changes in neural circuits involved in emotions, motivation, and decision-making. Because of its involvement in these processes, the amygdala is thought to be a key neural structure involved in alcohol addiction.However, the molecular mechanisms that govern the development of alcoholism are incompletely understood. We have previously shown that in a limited access choice paradigm, C57BL/6J mice progressively escalate their alcohol intake and display important behavioral characteristic of alcohol addiction, in that they become insensitive to quinine-induced adulteration of alcohol.This study used the limited access choice paradigm to study gene expression changes in the amygdala during the escalation to high alcohol consumption in C57BL/6J mice. Microarray analysis revealed that changes in gene expression occurred predominantly after one week, i.e. during the initial escalation of alcohol intake.
One gene that stood out from our analysis was the adapter protein 14-3-3ζ, which was up-regulated during the transition from low to high alcohol intake. Independent qPCR analysis confirmed the up-regulation of amygdala 14-3-3ζ during the escalation of alcohol intake. Subsequently, we found that local knockdown of 14-3-3ζ in the amygdala, using RNA interference, dramatically augmented alcohol intake. In addition, knockdown of amygdala 14-3-3ζ promoted the development of inflexible alcohol drinking, as apparent from insensitivity to quinine adulteration of alcohol. This study identifies amygdala 14-3-3ζ as a novel key modulator that is engaged during escalation of alcohol use.
#Plos one#