J App Physio:研究者揭示血液可以承载多少细胞
2012-07-03 EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
俗话说“血浓于水”,按字面意义来说也确实如此:与人体生命攸关的血液中约有一半是固体,其中最多的是红血球,约占40%。红血球含有红色素血红蛋白,负责运输氧气。 “令人惊异的是,红血球这一比例不仅在所有人体上基本一致,很多脊椎动物也与此相同”,耶拿大学生物与药学学院生物信息学教授Dr. Stefan Schuster介绍。因此,人们猜测,这一数值是通过进化过程保留下来的理想比例。“如果红血球低于这一
“令人惊异的是,红血球这一比例不仅在所有人体上基本一致,很多脊椎动物也与此相同”,耶拿大学生物与药学学院生物信息学教授Dr. Stefan Schuster介绍。因此,人们猜测,这一数值是通过进化过程保留下来的理想比例。“如果红血球低于这一比例,运输的氧气量就会下降,而高于这一比例时,运送的氧气量虽然会提高,但同时血液会变得粘稠,从而降低血流速度”,Schuster教授解释说。
血球容积值用于表示血液中的红血球含量,根据Schuster教授和他的同事Dr. Heiko Stark最新的研究发现,最理想的血球容积值可以利用阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦提出的一个方程式来计算。作为一位天才科学家,爱因斯坦除了相对论和量子物理外,还曾经研究过液体黏性问题。Schuster教授介绍说:“在此专业领域内已有过一些关于最佳血球容积值计算的理论研究。”耶拿大学这些生物信息学者研究了哪个方程式最适用于表述液体(即血液)的黏性与其中的粒子含量(即血球)之间的关系并发现爱因斯坦的方程式最为适用。这一研究成果发表在最新一期的《应用生理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Physiology)上。
根据这一方程式,液体黏性取决于溶剂的黏性和其中的固体成分含量。此外,爱因斯坦方程式还包含一个2.5系数。Dr. Stark解释说:“如果将Arrhenius提出的对爱因斯坦这个方程式的修订带入计算流速的方程式,并取最大值,那么最佳结果刚好是40%。”他还指出,1除以2.5结果刚好是0.4,也就是40%。因此,从流体动力学来看,人体的血球容积刚好处于理想数值。这也说明了为何很多其它动物,如狮子、羚羊、山羊、大象和兔子等也具有相同的血球容积值。
Comparison of various approaches to calculating the optimal hematocrit in vertebrates
Heiko Stark1,* and Stefan Schuster1
An interesting problem in hemorheology is to calculate that volume fraction of erythrocytes (hematocrit) that is optimal for transporting a maximum amount of oxygen. If the hematocrit is too low, too few erythrocytes are present to transport oxygen. If it is too high, the blood is very viscous and cannot flow quickly, so that oxygen supply to the tissues is again reduced. These considerations are very important since oxygen transport is an important factor for physical performance. Here, we derive theoretical optimal values of hematocrit in vertebrates and collect, from the literature, experimentally observed values for 57 animal species. It is an interesting question whether optimal hematocrit theory allows one to calculate hematocrit values that are in agreement with the observed values in various vertebrate species. For this, we first briefly review previous approaches in that theory. Then, we check which empirical or theoretically derived formulas describing the dependence of viscosity on concentration in a suspension lead to the best agreement between the theoretical and observed values. We consider both spatially homogeneous and heterogeneous distributions of erythrocytes in the blood, and also possible extensions like the influence of defective erythrocytes and cases where some substances are transported in the plasma. By discussing the results, we critically assess the power and limitations of optimal hematocrit theory. One of our goals is to provide a systematic overview of different approaches in optimal hematocrit theory.