2012-08-25 MedSci MedSci原创
MedSci报道:艾滋病恐惧症(获得性免疫功能缺陷综合恐惧症)简称恐艾症,是一种对艾滋病的强烈恐惧,并伴随焦虑、抑郁、强迫、疑病等多种心理症状和行为异常的心理障碍。患者怀疑自己感染了艾滋病病毒,或者非常害怕感染艾滋病并有洁癖等强迫症表现。2011年广东等地发生的群体性自述阴性艾滋病事件,经卫生部调查检测宣布属于恐艾症,没有发现所述的未知病毒。 &
MedSci报道:艾滋病恐惧症(获得性免疫功能缺陷综合恐惧症)简称恐艾症,是一种对艾滋病的强烈恐惧,并伴随焦虑、抑郁、强迫、疑病等多种心理症状和行为异常的心理障碍。患者怀疑自己感染了艾滋病病毒,或者非常害怕感染艾滋病并有洁癖等强迫症表现。2011年广东等地发生的群体性自述阴性艾滋病事件,经卫生部调查检测宣布属于恐艾症,没有发现所述的未知病毒。 实际上,在亚洲,尤其在中国,存在大量“恐艾症”,也称为“阴性艾滋病”人群,但因为无法查出任何病源体,也无法给出任何治疗,不少患者在绝望中等待,部分甚至出现免疫衰竭。医学专家,卫生部也屡次辟谣。但先前钟南山院士认为可能与EB病毒感染有关。具体可以参见新闻:钟南山:恐艾症状多由已知病毒引起,但病因依旧未明。 本周,国际医学权威期刊《新英格兰医学期刊》昨刊载由台湾地区、泰国及美国等医学研究人员合力的研究,确认全球出现一种新病症。参与研究的台湾成功大学临床医学研究所所长兼儿科教授谢奇璋昨(23日)表示,一般免疫疾病患者是免疫系统产生抗体攻击身体各部分,但新病症患者出现“免疫力暴冲”现象,会产生特别的抗体,攻击免疫系统,导致免疫力下降。 谢奇璋表示,研究共收集200多名患者,台湾地区有50多人,他们都曾发生严重霉菌、分枝杆菌或沙门氏菌等特定细菌感染,“有人霉菌长得全身都是,有人罹患分枝杆菌肺炎,怎样治都治不了”,经免疫检查,确诊是罹患亚洲新型免疫缺损症,所幸台湾病例都没死亡。 谢奇璋说,目前发现罹病者都是亚裔黄种人,发病年龄约50岁,与遗传无关,不会传染,患者平日无异常,但当感染上述几种细菌时,“病情远比一般人严重,没控制好,可能死亡”。 据报道,此症患者与艾滋病毒感染者一样、免疫力比常人差,常因感染就医,例如住在美国的越南裔女子阮金,3年前因发烧等感染疾病就医,多年来病情时好时坏。 马偕医院皮肤科主治医师孙培伦则表示,一般霉菌感染经用药1个月可康复,但若是霉菌蔓延到脸部、躯干、四肢都有,或常感染且久治不愈,可能是免疫力出问题,建议最好到大医院检查。 “亚洲新型免疫缺损症”小档案 病因:患者体内产生一种会攻击、吞噬白血球免疫细胞激素的特殊抗体,导致免疫力下降,难以抵挡霉菌、分枝杆菌、沙门氏菌等特定细菌感染 症状:平时无异状,但感染上述特定细菌时,病情会比一般人严重,甚至死亡好 发族群:年约50岁的亚裔黄种人,台湾确诊病例数约50多人 特性:不会人传人,也无遗传倾向 治疗:免疫疗法,但疗效尚未获证实 但是,目前尚无法证实,在中国大陆出现的大量恐艾症,是否就是新英格兰杂志中所说的“亚洲新型免疫缺损症”,还有待进一步研究证实。 原始链接: Adult-Onset Immunodeficiency in Thailand and Taiwan N Engl J Med 2012; 367:725-734August 23, 2012 Autoantibodies against interferon-γ are associated with severe disseminated opportunistic infection, but their importance and prevalence are unknown. We enrolled 203 persons from sites in Thailand and Taiwan in five groups: 52 patients with disseminated, rapidly or slowly growing, nontuberculous mycobacterial infection (group 1); 45 patients with another opportunistic infection, with or without nontuberculous mycobacterial infection (group 2); 9 patients with disseminated tuberculosis (group 3); 49 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (group 4); and 48 healthy controls (group 5). Clinical histories were recorded, and blood specimens were obtained. Patients in groups 1 and 2 had CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts that were similar to those in patients in groups 4 and 5, and they were not infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Washed cells obtained from patients in groups 1 and 2 had intact cytokine production and a response to cytokine stimulation. In contrast, plasma obtained from these patients inhibited the activity of interferon-γ in normal cells. High-titer anti–interferon-γ autoantibodies were detected in 81% of patients in group 1, 96% of patients in group 2, 11% of patients in group 3, 2% of patients in group 4, and 2% of controls (group 5). Forty other anticytokine autoantibodies were assayed. One patient with cryptococcal meningitis had autoantibodies only against granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor. No other anticytokine autoantibodies or genetic defects correlated with infections. There was no familial clustering. Neutralizing anti–interferon-γ autoantibodies were detected in 88% of Asian adults with multiple opportunistic infections and were associated with an adult-onset immunodeficiency akin to that of advanced HIV infection. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; number, NCT00814827.) Supported by the Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at Drs. Browne and Burbelo contributed equally to this article.Background