PLoS ONE:再生受损神经向前迈进一步
2012-04-14 mumu 生物谷
诸如汽车事故或战时战斗一样的灾难中的屠杀事件往往反映在涉及的人的机体内。一种严重创伤能使血管和神经切断、骨折和细胞残骸散落于全身。 神经严重损伤是最具挑战性伤口之一。这就是枪伤或刺伤、车祸受害者及战场上受伤士兵这些人的伤口类型。 一篇发表在PLoS ONE上的文章报道了一系列令人吃惊的细胞,它们可能具有神经移植的潜力。 在大鼠研究中,研究小组发现背根神经节神经元(即DRG细胞)帮助产生稠密、
一篇发表在PLoS ONE上的文章报道了一系列令人吃惊的细胞,它们可能具有神经移植的潜力。
神经外科医生使用的一种技术就是产神经导管(NeuraGen Nerve Guide),它是一种中空的、可吸收的胶原管,通过它神经纤维能生长并找到彼此。这种技术常用于修复不到半英寸长的短距离神经损伤。
在这项发表于PLoS One 上的研究中,研究小组在大鼠上比较了几种试图搭桥约半英寸切口的方法。研究小组从不同类型大鼠移植神经细胞到伤口处,比较了单用生神经技术(NeuraGen technology)及其与DRG细胞、神经鞘细胞等其他细胞成对使用时的结果。
而Schwann 和DRG都在神经再生中起作用,更常认为Schwann细胞是神经移植过程中潜在搭档,即使它们因为免疫系统对其反应而有相当的挑战性。
Allotransplanted Neurons Used to Repair Peripheral Nerve Injury Do Not Elicit Overt Immunogenicity
Allotransplanted Neurons Used to Repair Peripheral Nerve Injury Do Not Elicit Overt Immunogenicity
ABSTRACT A major problem hindering the development of autograft alternatives for repairing peripheral nerve injuries is immunogenicity. We have previously shown successful regeneration in transected rat sciatic nerves using conduits filled with allogeneic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells without any immunosuppression. In this study, we re-examined the immunogenicity of our DRG neuron implanted conduits as a potential strategy to overcome transplant rejection. A biodegradable NeuraGen? tube was infused with pure DRG neurons or Schwann cells cultured from a rat strain differing from the host rats and used to repair 8 mm gaps in the sciatic nerve. We observed enhanced regeneration with allogeneic cells compared to empty conduits 16 weeks post-surgery, but morphological analyses suggest recovery comparable to the healthy nerves was not achieved. The degree of regeneration was indistinguishable between DRG and Schwann cell allografts although immunogenicity assessments revealed substantially increased presence of Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in Schwann cell allografts compared to the DRG allografts by two weeks post-surgery. Macrophage infiltration of the regenerated nerve graft in the DRG group 16 weeks post-surgery was below the level of the empty conduit (0.56 fold change from NG; p<0.05) while the Schwann cell group revealed significantly higher counts (1.29 fold change from NG; p<0.001). Major histocompatibility complex I (MHC I) molecules were present in significantly increased levels in the DRG and Schwann cell allograft groups compared to the hollow NG conduit and the Sham healthy nerve. Our results confirmed previous studies that have reported Schwann cells as being immunogenic, likely due to MHC I expression. Nerve gap injuries are difficult to repair; our data suggest that DRG neurons are superior medium to implant inside conduit tubes due to reduced immunogenicity and represent a potential treatment strategy that could be preferable to the current gold standard of autologous nerve transplant.
#Plos one#