J Diabetes:糖尿病治疗模式变革即将到来?
2013-01-05 J Diabetes 中国医学论坛报
■ 控制血糖并非唯一目标,药物选择应权衡风险与获益 治疗模式变革,SU及其替代疗法作用或需重新评估 自退伍军人糖尿病研究(VADT)、控制糖尿病患者心血管风险行动研究(ACCORD)和糖尿病治疗与心血管保护行动:培哚普利/吲达帕胺复方制剂与格列齐特缓释片对照评估研究(ADVANCE)结果发表3~4年后,更多研究者认识到,针对所有糖尿病人群制定单一的血糖控制目标可能不妥,这大
迎接糖尿病治疗模式变革 我们准备好了吗?
Q2. 与SU相似,格列奈类药物也会促进胰岛素分泌,为什么您在评论中只对比了SU与DPP-4i而未对比格列奈类药物、SU与DPP-4i?
Diabetes treatment: The coming paradigm shift
Over the 3–4 years since publication of the findings of the Veteran's Administration Diabetes Trial (VADT), the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study, and the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial, there has been increasing recognition that a simple single glycemic goal for all people with diabetes may be an incorrect recommendation,likely because of adverse outcomes occurring in association with a greater frequency of hypoglycemia in these trials. Are we approaching a paradigm shift, a change in basic assumptions, in effect an evolution to new concepts of balancing glycemic goals with other, equally important goals for the avoidance of harm from hypoglycemia? Might part of this change in concept lead to reassessment of the role of sulfonylureas (SU) as insulin secretagogues and their replacement with incretin-based treatments?