

2012-09-10 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,刊登在国际著名杂志Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry上的一篇研究报告指出,由主要生活压力和A型人格特质引发的慢性压力和高风险的中风直接相关。慢性压力,已经表明的对于应激物所产生的身体或精神上的压力,如果持续长达6个月以上,便会增加患者患心脏疾病的风险,但是对于产生中风的风险便不得而知。 研究小组对150个,平均年龄为54岁的成年

近日,刊登在国际著名杂志Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry上的一篇研究报告指出,由主要生活压力和A型人格特质引发的慢性压力和高风险的中风直接相关。慢性压力,已经表明的对于应激物所产生的身体或精神上的压力,如果持续长达6个月以上,便会增加患者患心脏疾病的风险,但是对于产生中风的风险便不得而知。






  • 女性职场压力过大可能增加患糖尿病风险
  • Nat Med:揭示压力和抑郁导致大脑萎缩机制
  • PNAS:基因帮助防止长期压力对大脑的影响
  • 超七成公务员压力大健康堪忧
  • Arch Gen Psychiatry:基底细胞癌风险与早期生活压力有关
  • PNAS:慢性心理压力促进肿瘤发生的机制
  • PNAS:长期压力可能影响身体的炎症应答
  • Neuron:长期的压力会损伤记忆力

    编译自:Chronic Stress Linked to High Risk of Stroke


    Is psycho-physical stress a risk factor for stroke? A case-control study

    Jose Antonio Egido1, Olga Castillo1, Beatriz Roig1, Isabel Sanz1, Maria Rosa Herrero1, Maria Teresa Garay1, Ana María Garcia1, Manuel Fuentes2, Cristina Fernandez2

    Background Chronic stress is associated with cardiovascular diseases, but the link with stroke has not been well established. Stress is influenced by life-style habits, personality type and anxiety levels. We sought to evaluate psycho-physical stress as a risk factor for stroke, while assessing gender influences.

    Methods Case-control study. Cases: patients (n=150) aged 18–65, admitted consecutively to our Stroke Unit with the diagnosis of incident stroke. Controls: (n=300) neighbours (paired with case ±5 years) recruited from the census registry. Study variables: socio-demographic characteristics, vascular risk factors, psychophysical scales of H&R (Holmes & Rahe questionnaire of life events), ERCTA (Recall Scale of Type A Behaviour), SF12 (QoL scale), GHQ28 (General Health Questionnaire). Statistical analyses included conditional multiple logistic regression models.

    Results Mean age was 53.8 years (SD: 9.3). Compared with controls, and following adjustment for confounding variables, significant associations between stroke and stress were: H&R values >150 OR=3.84 (95% CI 1.91 to 7.70, p<0.001); ERCTA (values >24) OR=2.23 (95% CI 1.19 to 4.18, p=0.012); mental SF12 (values >50) OR=0.73 (95% CI 0.39 to 1.37, p=0.330); psychological SF12 (values >50) OR=0.66 (95% CI 0.33 to 1.30, p=0.229), male gender OR=9.33 (95% CI 4.53 to 19.22, p<0.001), high consumption of energy-providing beverages OR=2.63 (95% CI 1.30 to 5.31, p=0.007), current smoker OR=2.08 (95% CI 1.01 to 4.27, p=0.046), ex-smoker OR=2.35 (95% CI 1.07 to 5.12, p=0.032), cardiac arrhythmia OR=3.18 (95% CI 1.19 to 8.51, p=0.022) and Epworth scale (≥9) OR=2.83 (95% CI 1.03 to 7.78, p=0.044).

    Conclusions Compared with healthy age-matched individuals, stressful habits and type A behaviour are associated with high risk of stroke. This association is not modified by gender. /P>

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