
JAMA Cardiology

出版年份:暂无数据 年文章数:592 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Monthly 自引率:6.3% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



2023年中国人文章占该期刊总数量暂无数据 (2022年为100.00%)
6.3 %
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Mission. JAMA Cardiology publishes exceptional original research, state-of-the-art reviews, and informative opinions that advance the science and practice of cardiology, enhance cardiovascular health, and inform health care policy. JAMA Cardiology is the definitive journal for clinical investigators, clinicians, and trainees in cardiovascular medicine worldwide.

JAMA Cardiology will focus on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including epidemiology and prevention, diagnostic testing, interventional and pharmacologic therapeutics, translational research, health care policy and outcomes, and global health.

Editorial Team. Robert O. Bonow, MD, MS, the Max and Lilly Goldberg Distinguished Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, is the inaugural editor in chief of JAMA Cardiology. For a complete listing of the journal’s Editors and Editorial Board, see link to Editors and Publishers below.

Journal Publication and Editorial Information. JAMA Cardiology is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published online each Wednesday and in a print/online issue every month. Time to initial editorial decision is within 5 days without review and 34 days with review. All articles are published Online First within 2 months of acceptance. All research articles are made free access online 12 months after publication. All articles are made free access on The JAMA Network Reader on the day of publication. JAMA Cardiology also has an open access option for authors of eligible manuscripts. See Instructions for Authors for details. In addition, the journal is made freely available or nearly so to institutions in developing countries through the World Health Organization''s HINARI program.

Impact and Reach

  • JAMA Cardiology reaches more than 21,000 cardiologists each week
  • Over half a million annual visits to JAMA Cardiology website; over 1 million article views and downloads in the journal’s first year
  • Extensive press coverage, with 4,972 media mentions in 2016 in outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, NPR, Reuters, and Los Angeles Times
  • Top Altmetric scores among cardiology journals—in its first year JAMA Cardiology has 14% (7) of the top 50 articles with Altmetric scores (measure of news and social media coverage)
  • Number of citations, Altmetric score, page views, and PDF downloads tracked for your published article
  • Broad reach through related commentary, author audio interviews, email alerts, Twitter, Facebook, other social media, and Topic Collections
  • International authors: 41% of submissions come from outside the United States
  • 150,000 registered users of The JAMA Network Reader, an app that integrates content across the entire JAMA Network of journals and is accessible from any device
  • Open access for eligible research articles


Prompt Decisions & Rapid Publication Timelines

  • Highly selective peer review and editorial evaluation, with 21% overall acceptance rate; 13% for research articles
  • Time to first decision: 8 days without external peer review; 35 days with review
  • Online First: all major articles will be published quickly Online First
  • Fast publication: complete editing, formatting, and publication within 71 days of acceptance
  • Expedited review and publication for important clinical trials and research to be presented at major meetings

Author Service

JAMA Cardiology offers unparalleled reach and an author-friendly approach, from manuscript submission through publication.

  • Highest standards followed to improve your accepted manuscript’s accuracy, reliability, and readability for both print and online publication
  • Free public access: All research articles are freely available on the day of publication on The JAMA Network Reader and 12 months after publication on the journal''s website
  • Open access: Authors of eligible research articles may elect to pay for immediate open access on the day of publication
  • Direct deposit to PubMed Central: All research articles deposited directly in PubMed Central (PMC) for authors
  • Opportunity for your work to be augmented with video, audio, and professional graphics and illustration
  • CME credit available for lead authors who publish in JAMA Cardiology
  • Online extras: ability to post supplemental content online and download your article’s tables and figures as PowerPoint slides
  • The JAMA Network advantage: Authors of papers not accepted by JAMA may have their papers automatically referred to JAMA Cardiology

