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Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care aims to connect many disciplines and specialties throughout the world by providing high quality, clinically relevant research, reviews, comment, information and news of international importance. We hold an inclusive view of supportive and palliative care research and we are able to call on expertise to critique the whole range of methodologies within the subject, including those working in transitional research, clinical trials, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, ethics and health service research.Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care aims to connect many disciplines and specialties throughout the world by providing high quality, clinically relevant research, reviews, comment, information and news of international importance.<br>We hold an inclusive view of supportive and palliative care research and we are able to call on expertise to critique the whole range of methodologies within the subject, including those working in transitional research, clinical trials, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, ethics and health service research. Articles with relevance to clinical practice and clinical service development will be considered for publication.<br>In an international context, many different categories of clinician and healthcare workers do clinical work associated with palliative medicine, specialist or generalist palliative care, supportive care, psychosocial-oncology and end of life care. We wish to engage many specialties, not only those traditionally associated with supportive and palliative care. We hope to extend the readership to doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and researchers in medical and surgical specialties, including but not limited to cardiology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, neurology, oncology, paediatrics, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, renal medicine, respiratory medicine.<br>The content of the four print editions a year will feature a selection of the online journal, and will include original research of an international standard, focused editorial comment as well as important systematic reviews. A news section, updated regularly, with rapid publication of correspondence on newsworthy topics will appear online, alongside columns, short reports and opinion pieces. Critiques of current practice and examination of new guidelines will also be a regular feature of the journal as well as a digest of important publications on supportive and palliative care issues from other journals.
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, totalCites=2975, brief=BMJ SUPPORT PALLIAT杂志医学行业,暂不明确子行业的级别不明杂志, articleType=本刊接收类型不明, medsciHeat=<span style="color: #990000;">暗红</span>, medsciComment=BMJ SUPPORT PALLIAT杂志级别还可以,但是相对来说,比较冷门,关注人数偏少,有些可能是国内不太熟悉,但该杂志在国际仍然有相当知晓度的。因为缺少中国人投稿,稿源可能未必丰富,发表有可能有很大的机会哦。, medsciExplanation=MedSci期刊指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“<a href='//'>投稿经验系统</a>”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,值得分享和参考。<br>
注意,上述MedSci期刊指数采用MedSci专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。, tags=[ImpactFactorTagDto(id=65873, tagName=姑息医学, createdHits=1), ImpactFactorTagDto(id=516, tagName=癌症, createdHits=1)], citeScoreList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2018, citescore=2.05), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2019, citescore=4.9), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2020, citescore=0.0)], medsciIndexList=[GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2020, medsciHotlight=1.973), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2021, medsciHotlight=1.743), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2022, medsciHotlight=2.35), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2023, medsciHotlight=2.169), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2024, medsciHotlight=2.001)], citeScoreGradeList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=Nursing - Medical and Surgical Nursing , rank=2/23), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=Nursing - Oncology (nursing) , rank=4/15), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=Medicine - Medicine (miscellaneous) , rank=91/206)], totalJcrAreaList=[], pmcUrl=[ISSN], pubmedUrl= Supportive & Palliative Care[ta], article_number=200, article_number_cn=13, earlyWarning=null, linkOutUrl=null, isJournalMember=false, unscrambleContent=null, dayViewCount=false, endexampletyle=暂无数据)
BMJ SUPPORT PALLIAT/BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care