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Vitamin D can safely reduce asthma exacerbations among corticosteroid-using children and adults with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 92 ()

Previous studies have failed to draw a consistent conclusion over the effect of vitamin D administration on asthma. We hypothesized that vitamin D sup......

Magnesium in joint health and osteoarthritis

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 90 ()

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent debilitating age-related skeletal disease. The hallmark of OA is the degradation of articular cartilage that cushio......

A four-oil intravenous lipid emulsion improves markers of liver function, triglyceride levels and shortens length of hospital stay in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 92 ()

Clinical trials have reported that a four-oil intravenous lipid emulsion (SMOFlipid) play a positive role in immune function, but showed inconsistent ......

Oral administration of mangiferin ameliorates diabetes in animal models: a meta-analysis and systematic review

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 87 ()

Although mangiferin has a number of documented beneficial effects, there are no systematic reviews or meta-analyses of its effects in diabetic animal ......

Saltwater fish but not freshwater fish consumption is positively related to handgrip strength: The TCLSIH Cohort Study

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 90 ()

Fish contain many important nutrients and are primarily known for high n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) content. Studies have shown that sup......

Naringin induces skeletal muscle fiber type transformation via AMPK/PGC 1 alpha signaling pathway in mice and C2C12 myotubes

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2021; 92 ()

A large number of studies have shown that polyphenols can regulate skeletal muscle fiber type transformation through AMPK signal. However, the effects......

Fructose vs glucose decreased liking/wanting and subsequent intake of high-energy foods in young women

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 78 ()

Recent research on the health impacts of added sugar has prompted the comparison of the effects of its 2 major components: glucose and fructose. Fruct......

Association between eating speed and newly diagnosed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among the general population

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 80 ()

Fast eating speed is a risk factor for obesity, which is also closely related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), suggesting that fast eating......

Improvement of intestinal stem cells and barrier function via energy restriction in middle-aged C57BL/6 mice

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 81 ()

This study aimed to reveal the impact of energy restriction on the intestine via structural and molecular changes in terms of intestinal stem cell (IS......

Systematic review with meta-analysis of partial enteral nutrition for the maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 81 ()

Although enteral nutrition (EN) is effective for induction therapy in Crohn's disease(CD), it remains unclear whether partial enteral nutrition (PEN),......

Skim milk as a recovery beverage after exercise is superior to a sports drink for reducing next-day postprandial blood glucose and increasing postprandial fat oxidation

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 82 ()

Wedetermined the effect of consuming low-glycemic index (LGI) skimmilk compared to a high-glycemic index (HGI) sports drink following evening exercise......

Co-ingested vinegar-soaked or preloaded dried apple mitigated acute postprandial glycemia of rice meal in healthy subjects under equicarbohydrate conditions

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2020; 83 ()

This study investigated 2 possible approaches to dietary control of acute postprandial responses to a rice-based meal under equicarbohydrate condition......

The history and development of registered dietitian accreditation systems in China and other comparable countries

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2019; 70 ()

A dietitian has qualifications in nutrition and dietetics and applies the science of food and nutrition to improve the health of individuals, groups, ......


Serum vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease in a Chinese rural population

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2019; 61 ()

Several studies have reported a conflicting association between vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism, and the risk of cardiovas......


Shen-Ling-Bai-Zhu-San alleviates functional dyspepsia in rats and modulates the composition of the gut microbiota

期刊: NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2019; 71 ()

The pathogenesis of functional dyspepsia (FD) is multifactorial, and the gut microbiota may play a significant role. Shen-Ling-Bai-Zhu-San (SLBZS), a ......


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