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Towards accurate estimation for visual object tracking with multi-hierarchy feature aggregation

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 451 ()

Many methods achieve the visual object tracking task with deep learning technologies. As the deep features of different levels contain various semanti......

Learning locomotion skills in evolvable robots

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 452 ()

The challenge of robotic reproduction-making of new robots by recombining two existing ones-has been recently cracked and physically evolving robot sy......

Salient object segmentation for image composition: A case study of group dinner photo

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 453 ()

The rocketing number of photos shared on social media leads to the increasing demand for photo editing. We here focus on a specific scenario -group di......

Unsupervised cycle-consistent person pose transfer

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 453 ()

Person pose transfer, i.e., transferring the pose of a given person to a target pose, is a challenging task due to the complex interplay of appearance......

Rethinking the ST-GCNs for 3D skeleton-based human action recognition

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 454 ()

The skeletal data has been an alternative for the human action recognition task as it provides more com-pact and distinct information compared to the ......

A CRNN-based attention-seq2seq model with fusion feature for automatic Labanotation generation1

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 454 ()

Labanotation is a widely-used notation system for dance recording. Numerous methods for automatic Labanotation generation from motion capture data hav......

Robustness-aware 2-bit quantization with real-time performance for neural network

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 455 ()

Quantized neural networks (NN) with reduced bit precision are practical solutions to minimize computational and memory resource requirements and play ......

Hashing person re-ID with self-distilling smooth relaxation q

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 455 ()

Person re-identification (re-ID) has made substantial progress in recent years; however, it is still challenging to search for the target person in a ......

Sketch-specific data augmentation for freehand sketch recognition

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 456 ()

Sketch recognition remains a significant challenge due to the limited training data and the substantial intra-class variance of freehand sketches for ......

Learning to restore light fields under low-light imaging

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 456 ()

Light Field (LF) images have the unique advantage of recording scenes from multiple viewpoints, which provides many applications, such as refocusing a......

Matching biomedical ontologies through Compact Differential Evolution algorithm with compact adaption schemes on control parameters

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 458 ()

Biomedical ontology is a unified model for describing biomedical knowledge, which can be of help to solve the issues of heterogeneity in different bio......

Improving human action recognition by jointly exploiting video and WiFi clues

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 458 ()

Recent years have witnessed the increasing attentions on human action recognition(HAR). Traditional methods are prone to explore the optimum spatiotem......

Stability analysis of Riemann-Liouville fractional-order neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms and mixed time-varying delays

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 431 ()

The stability analysis of time-delay neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms in the sense of Riemann-Liouville derivative is still an open probl......

SCSA-Net: Presentation of two-view reliable correspondence learning via spatial-channel self-attention

期刊: NEUROCOMPUTING, 2021; 431 ()

Seeking reliable correspondences between pairwise images is non-trivial in feature matching. In this paper, we propose a novel network, called the Spa......

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