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Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum material

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 595 (7866)

Exotic phenomena can be achieved in quantum materials by confining electronic states into two dimensions. For example, relativistic fermions are reali......

SAR1B senses leucine levels to regulate mTORC1 signalling

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 596 (7871)

SAR1B, which is conserved between mammals and nematodes, is a leucine sensor that is involved in regulating mTORC1 signalling and potentially has a ro......

Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 592 (7853)

Modern humans appeared in Europe by at least 45,000 years ago(1-5), but the extent of their interactions with Neanderthals, who disappeared by about 4......

An aged immune system drives senescence and ageing of solid organs

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 594 (7861)

Ageing of the immune system, or immunosenescence, contributes to the morbidity and mortality of the elderly(1,2). To define the contribution of immune......

Cleaving arene rings for acyclic alkenylnitrile synthesis

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 597 (7874)

Synthetic chemistry is built around the formation of carbon-carbon bonds. However, the development of methods for selective carbon-carbon bond cleavag......

Layer Hall effect in a 2D topological axion antiferromagnet

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 595 (7868)

Whereas ferromagnets have been known and used for millennia, antiferromagnets were only discovered in the 1930s(1). At large scale, because of the abs......

High-resolution X-ray luminescence extension imaging

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 590 (7846)

Current X-ray imaging technologies involving flat-panel detectors have difficulty in imaging three-dimensional objects because fabrication of large-ar......

Rashba valleys and quantum Hall states in few-layer black arsenic

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 593 (7857)

Exciting phenomena may emerge in non-centrosymmetric two-dimensional electronic systems when spin-orbit coupling (SOC)(1) interplays dynamically with ......

Deep continental roots and cratons

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 596 (7871)

Cratons are the oldest parts of the Earth's continents; this Review concludes that the production of widespread, thick and strong lithosphere via the ......

Structural basis of GABA(B) receptor-G(i) protein coupling

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 594 (7864)

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have central roles in intercellular communication(1,2). Structural studies have revealed how GPCRs can activate G ......

The inner lives of early embryonic cells

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 593 (7858)

Characterization of the early developmental process called gastrulation has mostly been limited to snapshots at different time points. A model of mous......

The Paris Climate Agreement and future sea-level rise from Antarctica

期刊: NATURE, 2021; 593 (7857)

An observationally calibrated ice sheet-shelf model suggests that global warming of 3 degrees C will trigger rapid Antarctic ice loss, contributing ab......

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