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Detection of multipartite entanglement via quantum Fisher information

期刊: EPL, 2021; 134 (6)

In this paper, we focus on two different kinds of multipartite correlation, k-nonseparability and k-partite entanglement, both of which can describe t......

Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade with spinning atom-cavity

期刊: EPL, 2021; 134 (6)

In this work, we propose to manipulate the statistical properties of the photons transport nonreciprocally via rotating nonlinear devices consisting o......

Multi-objective optimization for community detection in multilayer networks

期刊: EPL, 2021; 135 (1)

Community detection in multilayer networks plays a key role in revealing the multiple aspects of information spreading and in comprehending the relati......

Tunable Fano resonance in plasmonic MIM waveguide with P-shaped resonator for refractive index sensing

期刊: EPL, 2021; 134 (6)

Based on the transmission characteristic of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), a compact plasmonic system based on a sub-wavelength metal-insulator-me......

Study on plasma ejection near the anode in a pulsed low-current vacuum discharge

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (1)

An electrode structure with two anodes, one of which is covered by an insulating material layer with a micropore, is proposed in this letter, and adop......

Dirac CP violation as a window to mass hierarchy in neutrino oscillation

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (1)

Unresolved neutrino problems of mass hierarchy and CP violation have a more interesting interplay in neutrino phenomenology. Differing from the discre......

How the individuals' memory affects the evolution of prisoners' dilemma game in the two-layer network

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (1)

In general, multilayer networks are often a significantly more apt description of real-life systems than isolated or single networks. In this paper, w......

Security proof of the two-way quantum secure direct communication with channel loss and noise

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (1)

Quantum secure direct communication is one of the major branches of quantum cryptography, which sends secret information through a quantum channel dir......

Topological defect states in mesoscopic superconducting squares with spin correlations

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (2)

In the framework of the microscopic Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory, we study the topological defect states in mesoscopic superconducting square systems w......

Numerical simulations of electron cloud build-up in circular accelerators in the presence of multimode distribution beams

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (2)

Electron cloud effects have become one of the main performance limitations for circular particle accelerators operating with positively charged beams.......

Mixed distribution model of human communication and its impacts on the spreading process

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (2)

The heterogeneous inter-event time of human contacts may fundamentally alter spreading dynamics. This generally assumes that the inter-event time dist......

Many-body localization in generalized Kondo lattice with disorder

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (2)

We study the many-body localization transition in a one-dimensional generalized Kondo lattice, where a one-dimensional Hubbard chain with disordered s......

Regulating the electronic and optic properties of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets via phosphorus doping

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (3)

The application of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets (h-BNNSs) in electronical and optical fields is limited due to their wide band gap. In this lett......

Local axisymmetry-breaking-induced transition of trapped-particle orbit and loss channels in quasi-axisymmetric stellarators

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (3)

The transition of trapped-particle orbit topologies has been investigated in quasi-axisymmetric (QA) configurations, such as the Chinese First Quasi-a......

Omnidirectional optical filtering based on two kinds of photonic band gaps with different angle-dependent properties

期刊: EPL, 2020; 129 (3)

Edge states in heterostructures composed of two kinds of all-dielectric one-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPCs) can be utilized for narrowband filte......

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