Objective To observe the prevalence and characteristics of premonitory symptoms in Chinese migraineurs and explore their associations with migraine-re......
Background To evaluate the prevalence, predictive factors and clinical characteristics of cough headache in our respiratory clinic and to investigate ......
Background The pathophysiology of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is unclear. An unbiased systems-based approach might help to illustrat......
期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2020; 40 (11)
Background Cortical spreading depression is thought to be the underlying mechanism of migraine aura. In 2006, three relatives having the point mutatio......
期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2020; 40 (12)
Objective The current study explored whether the chances of having migraine are influenced by a youth's friendship with a migraineur. Methods The stud......
期刊: CEPHALALGIA, 2020; 40 (14)
Background Recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy (RPON) is an uncommon disorder characterized by recurrent unilateral headache attacks associat......
Objective To evaluate clinical criteria for headache associated with pituitary adenoma (HaPA) in the International Classification of Headache Disorder......